Do you take a kiss for granted? Watch out , 'cause what you don't know might actually harm you. The kiss is the single most underrated intimate display of affection. The kiss is the key that opens the door to both her heart, and her body. A study on kissing was done a few years back, and found that most women based their decision of whether they would sleep with a man, on his kissing abilities!
So, before you go on your next date, read on, and find out how you can make that first kiss linger in her mind and tingle in her body.
Keep It Simple and Sexy
If eyes are known to be the windows to our soul, then lips are the servants of our consciousness. Our lips respond to happy thoughts by smiling, they express our innermost emotions with words of love and hope, and they are able to convey what no words can, by kissing.
Couples should not limit kissing merely to times like making out , or as the conclusion to a date or a prelude to something more... Kissing your lover should be an everyday affair, an expression of your love for her. You should not use every kissing session as a prelude to sex.
Many men think to themselves, let's hurry up so we can get down to the good stuff . As a result, they rush through the kissing and do not get to fully enjoy the delightfulness of a long, passionate, kiss.
The secret to being a great kisser is to keep it simple and sexy. Forget about impressing her with that Casanovian kiss. Instead, indulge yourself in a simple, sexy and intimate kiss. Rid your mind of any kissing performance thoughts, and instead, realize that she's opening the door to her soul and body. Enjoy the moment!
Great Kisser = Great Lover
Kissing is an art form. The kissing experience is different for each of us, but the basic fundamentals of kissing remain the same.
The first step to kissing is known as finding her comfort level . Make sure she is ready for a kiss and do not start anything until she is comfortable.
Use your hands when kissing. Many people waste their hands while kissing by simply using them as some form of support. You could wrap them around her waist, use them to clutch her back, or massage her scalp. Wherever your hands are, use them. Slowly increase pressure, or gently graze in non-erotic zones like the back, shoulders, arms and face.
Don't only kiss the lips. Kiss her eyes, cheeks, forehead, neck, and hands, and remember her to watch out for her comfort level. She will be more relaxed, and will appreciate your kiss if it's sincere and sexy, and she'll definitely notice if it's fake. Finally, use your imagination.
Kissing Mistakes
The following is a list of kisses you should avoid:
The Lizard: Your tongue darts in and out of her mouth like a reptile probing for its next victim.
The Roto Rooter: Your tongue ventures so far down her throat that it actually begins to choke her.
The Swordfish: You operate your tongue much like a swordfish, and use your nose in a blunt and violent manner.
The Deep Sea Diver: You rarely come up for air.
Frozen in Time: You never change the position, posture, or angle of your head.
The Squid: You seem to emit an awful smell and taste. All she can think of is how to slip you a breath mint.
*by Andre Cross, http://www.askmen.com/dating/dating_advice/dating5.html*
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