The Marvellous World of Belahan Jiwa

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009

Hari ke 1
- Es Mutiara
- Tuna Asam Manis
- Cap Cay Kuah
- Mie Goreng
- Acar Timun

Hari ke 2
- Kolak Pisang
- Semur Daging
- Perkedel Jagung
- Tahu Masak Tauco
- Sambal Pete

Hari ke 3
- Es Kelapa Muda
- Balado Ikan
- Gulai Nangka
- Bihun Goreng Bakso
- Bakwan

Hari ke 4
- Bubur sumsum
- Sayur Asem
- Ayam Goreng Rempah
- Balado Teri Kacang
- Kerupuk

Hari ke 5
- Es Kacang Merah
- Rawon Daging
- Perkedel Kentang
- Tumis Kacang Panjang
- Emping

Hari ke 6
- Es Jagung Campur
- Sup Baso Tahu
- Ayam Goreng Crispy
- Tempe Mendoan
- Sambal Teri

Hari ke 7
- Bubur Candil
- Rica-Rica Ikan
- Tumis Buncis
- Tahu Isi
- Rempeyek

Hari ke 8
- Es Shanghai
- Sayur Lodeh
- Empal Gepuk
- Botok Teri
- Kerupuk

Hari ke 9
- Kolak tape + Kolang Kaling
- Udang Goreng Tepung
- Soto Sulung
- Tempe Goreng Tepung
- Sambal

Hari ke 10
- Kue Lapis
- Ayam Goreng
- Sup Pangsit
- Balado Kentang
- Tumis Tempe

Hari ke 11
- Es Gayo Timun
- Daging Bumbu Rujak
- Kangkung cah Tauco
- Bakwan
- Kerupuk

Hari ke 12
- Pisang Goreng
- Gurame Asam Manis
- Cap Cay Goreng
- Tahu isi
- Acar Kuning

Hari ke 13
- Es Dawet
- Soto Ayam
- Balado Telur Puyuh
- Perkedel Kentang
- Sambal Pencok

Hari ke 14
- Es Kopyor
- Rendang Daging
- Sayur Daun Singkong + teri
- Rempeyek Udang
- Sambal Ijo

Hari ke 15
- Bubur Kacang Ijo
- Sayur Lodeh
- Ayam Bumbu Rujak
- Tempe Goreng Tepung
- Sambal

Hari ke 16
- Es Alpuket
- Rolade Daging + Sayuran
- Tumis Tahu
- Bihun Rebus
- Kerupuk

Hari ke 17
- Bubur Ketan Hitam
- Kakap Goreng Panir
- Sup Sayuran
- Perkedel Jagung
- Sambal Ebi

Hari ke 18
- Es Buah
- Ayam Kuluyuk
- Sup Makaroni
- Tumis Labu Siam
- Rempeyek Kacang

Hari ke 19
- Kolak Biji Salak
- Paru Goreng
- Gulai Nangka
- Perkedel Tahu + Korned
- Sambal Terasi

Hari ke 20
- Serabi Bandung
- Soto Bandung
- Tahu Masak Tauco
- Bandeng Goreng
- Emping

Hari ke 21
- Kolak Pisang + Nanas
- Sup Kombinasi
- Krengseng Daging + Prapika
- Tempe Goreng Tepung
- Kerupuk

Hari ke 22
- Kolak Ubi
- Semur Ati Ampela
- Tumis Kangkung
- Bakwan Sayur
- Sambal Makasar

Hari ke 23
- Es Teler
- Ayam Panggang Bumbu Kecap
- Sayur Lodeh
- Botok Tempe + teri
- Rempeyek Kacang

Hari ke 24
- Bubur Candil
- Lidah Sapi Saus Putih
- Sup Kimlo
- Tahu Goreng
- Kerupuk Udang

Hari ke 25
- Tape Goreng
- Soto Ayam
- Ati/Ampela Goreng
- Perkedel Jagung
- Sambal

Hari ke 26
- Es Cincau
- Kalio Ayam
- Tumis Bayam
- Sambal Goreng Kentang + Udang
- Kerupuk Kulit

Hari ke 27
- Kolak Pisang + Ubi
- Ayam Gulung Keju
- Sup Makaroni
- Perkedel Kentang
- Kerupuk + Sambal

Hari ke 28
- Bubur Sumsum
- Rawon
- Oseng Tahu + Telur Puyuh
- Kakap Goreng Tepung
- Sambal Tempe

Hari ke 29
- Pisang Goreng Keju
- Sayur Asem Jakarta
- Ayam Bakar
- Sambal Mangga
- Lalapan

Hari ke 30
- Es Campur
- Sup Kombinasi
- Daging Bumbu Bali
- Perkedel Jagung + Cincang Ayam
- Kerupuk Palembang

*taken from*
read more "Daftar Menu Buka Puasa dan Sahur"

Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

May this holy month...
Brings you happiness...
Strengthens your Imaan...
Erases your sins and...
Purifies your heart…
Ramadan Mubarak

May Allah be with you in every step you take,
May Allah guides you with each decision you make,
May Allah helps you when life gets rough,
May Allah lifts you when you've had enough,
May Allah protects you when you fall,
May Allah hears you when you call,
May all your prayers be accepted,
May you always be in Allah loving’s hands.
Ramadan Mubarak

May Allah showers His blessings upon you.....
May Angels protect you in all that you do....
May Jannah becomes your one true goal and....
May Allah has mercy on your sweet soul....
Ramadan Mubarak
read more "Ramadan Mubarak... Ramadan Kareem ..."

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

You've heard it a million times already, but it really does take but a few seconds to make that all-important first impression. And in corporate America, that could mean the difference between working in a high-rise corner office, or a basement mailroom.

Whether you're applying for a job, sweet-talking a potential client, or working the crowd at a corporate luncheon, those you come into contact with will be analyzing you from the inside out or rather, the outside in. So in trying to prove yourself in this competitive world, you must look and act like a distinguished businessman the minute you walk out your front door.


While there are differing opinions as to how much time you actually have to hit all the right notes, rest assured that the degree of your success will be determined somewhere in the first 30 seconds of your meeting.

A study by UCLA found that "people evaluate one another using the Three V's: visual (appearance), vocal (voice) and verbal (what you say)." That means that, while you may be able to spout out 1001 reasons as to why you're the right candidate for their "business needs," there's a lot more that goes into winning someone over.

Hence, presentation is key; even though it may taste great, you wouldn't eat something that looked like slop on a plate. The same holds true for business settings.

So now that you're ready to start wowing people, let's see if your Three V's are intact.


Here are some easy ways for you to impress your potential bosses, partners and clients:

1- Have a proper handshake
Whenever you're in a business environment, one's first impression of you should be that you're a slick professional. A well-executed handshake can do that for you twofold: it can get things off to a great start and seal the deal at the end.

But try taking it one step further by keeping a tissue handy to wipe off perspiration, and always hold your drink in the other hand, so as not to give the person an "icy" reception. By giving a firm and sweat-free shake, you'll appear cool and in control while elevating yourself from the wannabes.

2- Be on time
When meeting someone (for the first time, no less), arriving on time is as important as breathing. So if their first impression of you is an empty chair, you're in serious trouble. Yes, you may have a legitimate excuse, but that rarely matters to a higher-up who barely knows you. Their time is just as important as yours, so put yourself in their shoes. As a general rule, plan to arrive about 30 minutes early; it's better to be hanging around the place than be stuck in traffic. In short, tardiness is a sin you can't afford to commit.

Clean up your act, mister...

3- Be well-groomed
Not too many slobs make it onto Wall Street, so while it may seem trivial, it's imperative that you smell good (without overdoing it), and keep your hair and fingernails trim and clean, and your clothes stain-free and ironed. Always give yourself a quick once-over in front of the mirror before you leave the house.

Presenting yourself in a clean and dignified manner speaks volumes for your professional behavior and the way you carry yourself overall. A small oversight may end up costing you big-time.

4- Use body language
The aforementioned UCLA study also found that "about 93% of a person's communication effectiveness is determined by nonverbal communication." There are two important things to bear in mind here: posture and eye contact. Maximize your height by lifting your head and keeping your shoulders up to suggest that you are confident, assertive, and determined -- all admirable qualities to future contacts.

Moreover, eye contact is the foundation to any good encounter, so don't just glance over because you feel you have to; keep looking straight ahead to show that you are not easily intimidated, are comfortable talking with them, and are interested in what they have to say. Look interested and others' interest will follow. Eye contact allows for a more personal connection, so the more time your pupils stay properly focused, the higher your chances of getting that second callback.

5- Introduce yourself and ask for names
In addition to all your handshaking, make sure you properly introduce yourself when approaching contacts. As a courteous gesture, ask for their name. Writing the name down if you can, repeating it, and using it later in conversation are all personal touches that increase the chances of their remembering your name in the future.

Always remember to stand up when greeting someone and be sure to introduce them to anyone you're with. These are all subtle yet polite gestures that will make anyone feel special and, more importantly, place you in a favorable light.

6- Look at their business cards
Moreover, if someone hands you a business card, don't just glance at it haphazardly and put it away. Instead, study it closely and then put it away somewhere other than your back pocket, like the front pocket of your blazer or shirt, or even your business card holder.

Keep talking, they want to hear you...

7- Make good conversation
As you embark on what hopefully becomes a stimulating conversation, remember that you're not only being judged on what you say, but how you say it. So while it's important to ask pertinent questions and use industry-specific buzzwords to flaunt your intellect, you should also speak clearly with a firm, strong voice and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the company through your comments.

To get the most out of your discussion, try to find similarities between the two of you that you can use to your advantage. Whether you're noting a similar taste in clothes or a common hobby, it doesn't matter. A person will feel more comfortable with someone they can relate to and their opinion of you will therefore be more favorable.

Also, try to cover as many of the following bases as possible:

- How long has that person been working at this firm?
- How you plan to grow with the company and ideas for future projects.
- How you balance your personal and professional life and how else you plan to keep busy.

8- Research the company
A great way to impress those around you is by doing your homework before scheduling an interview or approaching someone. In addition to establishing a personal connection, they'll be impressed that you took the time to familiarize yourself with their organization.

So take note of any recent mergers, acquisitions, as well as the person's specific role in the company, and incorporate them into your discussion (press releases are a great resource for the latest developments). Your obvious dedication will shine through, and you may find yourself with a job offer or two.


Try to look past the more common tricks of the trade and opt for some lesser-known tactics when making a first impression. If, for example, you've given them reason to entertain you further, be prepared to answer a few questions by providing good examples -- ones that help illustrate your point -- without being too vague or going off on a 10-minute tangent (read: be as effective as possible in the shortest amount of time).


Your first encounter with someone is one of the most crucial moments in your career, as others form quick opinions about you based on the first seconds of initial contact. Always be aware of how you're presenting yourself, even when you think no one's watching. Keep that in mind as you climb up the corporate ladder.

* by Thomas Anderson,*
read more "8 Ways To Make A Great First Impression"

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

When it comes to succeeding with women, the name of the game is ATTRACTION. If you don't know what sparks attraction in a woman and how to use that knowledge to make her FEEL it, you're going to have a lot of lonely nights. But once you master this invisible force… well, you'll have more women in your life than you can handle. Here are 10 tips to spark that magical feeling of attraction in the women you want.

Number 1
Bring out her animal responses

In the animal kingdom, different animals have signals that tell their mate of choice they're interested. When the male uses one of these signals, the female actually becomes PARALYZED and freezes in a sexually aroused position. Women respond in a similar way to several specific behaviors from men. So if you want to turn her on in a BIG way, smell her neck and shoulders… pull her hair gently by running your hand up the back of her neck and her hair, then make a fist and pull lightly… breath in her ear and whisper a compliment to her or bite her neck gently. Warning: Use these moves with caution -- you may create a WILD ANIMAL that will stop at nothing to get what she wants from you.

Number 2
Drive her CRAZY with anticipation

Here’s a killer move that will send ANY woman's attraction for you through the roof: I call it "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back." At each phase of contact -- like holding hands, kissing, and so on -- STOP and lean back for a minute or two BEFORE moving to the next "level." Let's say you're kissing a woman; instead of rushing in and trying to touch her body, stop kissing her and just look her in the eyes. THEN start kissing her again. The more you hold back and make her wait, the more she'll want you to CONTINUE. Creating and playing with "sexual tension" like this is a recipe for some SERIOUS chemistry.

Number 3
Kiss her

Let's face it: When it's time for the first kiss, most guys get a bit freaked out and start acting nervous because they don't know exactly what to do. If you're talking to a girl and you want to know if she's ready to be kissed, here's what you can do: Reach over and touch her hair while you're talking and make a comment about it. You might say, "Your hair looks so soft," and just touch the tips of it. If she smiles and likes this, reach back over and start stroking it again, but this time also glance down at her lips and back up to her eyes a couple of times. If she lets you keep touching her hair, you know she's ready for you to kiss her, so give her what she wants.

Number 4
Be TOO comfortable

When a man is intimidated by a woman, she ALWAYS knows. How? Because he'll behave in ways that subtly tell her he's not comfortable with himself, with her and with the situation. The solution is to go to the OPPOSITE EXTREME and create the feeling that you're TOO comfortable. Mimic something she's doing in a funny way -- for example, if she has a really rigid posture, sit up extra straight and say, "I really think you should work on your posture." People are only playful like this when they're feeling comfortable, so this behavior will send the message that you're not intimidated by her in the slightest.

You can also pick up something small like a napkin and swat her with it, especially after you've made fun of her and she's pretending the comment bothered her. Most men don’t have the guts to be this bold, so when you DO, she'll see you as a cut above other guys.

How to go in for that first kiss and make her want more...

Number 5
Put yourself on a pedestal

How would you act if you KNEW beyond the shadow of a doubt that a woman was TOTALLY into you but you weren’t THAT interested in her, and that you decided RELUCTANTLY to give her a chance to hang out with you? What if you were a bit arrogant, but still in the mood to have fun with it and tease her to see how much she really wanted you? Practice coming from this mental space and you'll find that it'll eliminate your nervousness -- INSTANTLY -- and it will give you the edge you need to project a confident, attractive vibe to ANY woman.

Number 6
The bad-boy look

Here are two undeniable facts about women:

FACT 1: Many women are attracted to the “Bad Boy.”
FACT 2: A woman knows if you’re a “Bad Boy” before you say a single word.

How? It’s by the way you LOOK -- and I’m not talking fashion here. It’s about the look on your face. Marlon Brando had it in the classic film A Streetcar Named Desire; James Dean had it in movies like Rebel Without a Cause and East of Eden. The combination of the furrowed brow, pursed lips and slightly squinted eyes triggers an automatic attraction-response deep inside a woman. You won’t believe how quickly this unique "look" will give you more of a bad-boy vibe and take your success with women to the next level.

Number 7
Pass her tests

If it were CRITICAL to find out what another person's TRUE character was like, and the stakes were high, how would you do it? The obvious answer is that you would create character TESTS for the other person and never TELL that person you're testing him.

This is EXACTLY what women do to men. Women look for things like dominance, drive and composure, and they test for these things by challenging men, changing plans at the last minute, playing hard to get, expecting special treatment, and so on.

How do you pass these tests and graduate to the next level? Realize when a woman is testing you and have the attitude of, “I can deal with any test a woman throws at me.” This strong, confident attitude will send her an undeniable signal that you're the solid kind of guy she wants to get to know better.

Number 8
Master conflict

Most men avoid CONFLICT as if it were an evil force, and when they do experience it, they HATE it. The fear of conflict keeps a lot of guys unsatisfied and unable to progress in life. When you learn to effectively handle and manage conflict -- whether it's with your boss, with your date, or even within YOURSELF -- you'll be on one of the most direct routes to real maturity. And everyone knows that women are irresistibly attracted to emotionally MATURE men. So ask yourself where you avoid conflict in your life and what you can do to get more comfortable with it. Whatever it is, make a commitment to get it "handled,” and women will LOVE you for it.

How to get the bad-boy look and be comfortable with yourself...

Number 9
Keep the power

Ever been on a date and you could just sense that she had all the POWER? As if she had something that you desperately wanted and she KNEW IT? Most guys give away their power when they're with a woman. But do you think women are ATTRACTED to men who do this? No. The solution is to let her know that YOU are the one doing the "selecting," NOT HER. Show that you're picky about who you spend your time with and tease her about how she's screwing up her chances with you. Communicate that she's going to have to be on her best behavior to "qualify" for your time, and you'll be surprised just how far she'll go to get on your calendar.

Number 10
Stop trying to impress her

Most guys think that they need to IMPRESS an attractive woman. They try to be on their best behavior and not make any mistakes or say something that will upset or offend her. Of course, this leads to nervous, self-conscious, "stilted" behavior AND it creates a tense, uncomfortable atmosphere that literally KILLS any attraction she may feel for you. Instead, you need to practice remaining totally calm. RELAX and lay back. Stop thinking that you need to impress a woman and start expecting her to impress YOU.


Ultimately, if you relax and are comfortable with yourself, she will be more attracted to you than if you put her on a pedestal and act nervous. Remember: You’re just as much of a catch as she is. Now have fun with it.

*by David DeAngelo,*
read more "Top 10: Ways To Spark Attraction"


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