Here are the top 10 ways guys ruin the mood.

No.1 - Managing her moves
Newsflash: Girls know you want them to touch your penis. If you are making out at home, 20 minutes have passed, and she still has not made a grab for the crotch area, chances are, she isn’t going to. Therefore, do not pull her hand toward your genitals, and do not grab the back of her head and push her down. Women are not stupid, and after the head grab she will most likely blow you off -- and not in the way you had hoped.

No.2 - Asking for permission
Most girls like a man who knows how to take charge, so when you ask for permission every step of the way you come across as a wimp. Asking; “Can I kiss you?” at the end of a date, or “Is this OK?” when kissing comes across as weak. You might as well ask: “Can I grow a pair?” Assess the situation; if she's really into it, man up and take the plunge.

No.3 - Heading straight for home
You can’t cross the plate without making stops at first, second and third. Do not hand her a glass of wine, turn on some music, lower the lights and then stick your hand in her pants.

No.4 - Bad conversation
Giving a little verbal praise is always appreciated, but too many “Oh babys” can really kill the mood. Going over-the-top with chatter comes across as fake and forced. Just be natural. If things are really heating up, don’t ask too many questions: “Do you like it when I kiss you?” “Does my hand feel good there?” You shouldn’t have to ask; her reactions will tell you if you are doing a good job.

No.5 - Bad kissing
It doesn’t matter how hot a guy is, if he can’t kiss, he isn’t going past first base. When you lean in for the first end-of-the-date kiss, remember to control your tongue. Don’t lick her teeth, chin, cheeks, forehead, etc., and try not to stick it down her throat.

No.6 - Being selfish
It takes time to get a woman going. She needs kissing, touching, caressing, and more than two minutes to reach orgasm. If you have moved past the make-out stage and the clothes are coming off, take time to focus on her. If you aren’t satisfying her, she could get frustrated (or bored) and call it a night.

No.7 - Begging
A girl most likely makes up her mind before the date regarding how far she is willing to go, but you do have a chance to change her mind. At the end of the night, give her a good kiss that takes her breath away. This is when she might reconsider going home with you. If she still isn’t interested, do not whine or beg. If you beg, you will never get a second chance --ever.

No.8 - Groping
You should have left messy groping behind in the 10th grade. Simply grabbing at her boobs with your tongue hanging out won’t cut it. By now, you should know what to do. Moving randomly from body part to body part is confusing and never gives your girl a chance to get into it. Move slowly from one body part to the next -- lightly touching at first, then with more passion.

No.9 - Answering the phone
Do not, under any circumstances, stop a make-out session to answer the phone. In fact, if you go back to your place at the end of a date, turn your phone off. Interruptions can really put a damper on things, and if it is your mom calling, your girl is probably putting on her jacket already.

No.10 - Bad music
As you dim the lights and turn on a little mood music, choose the tunes carefully. Music relays a message about where the night is headed. Avoid anything too girly (Madonna, Avril Lavigne, Miley Cyrus) and steer clear of the clichés ("Let’s Get It On," "Sexual Healing," "I Wanna Sex You Up"). While rock music can make sex exciting, "Smack My Bitch Up" and anything by Nine Inch Nails should not be used on a first date.
*by Amy Bielby,*
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