It's my Birthday .... a new day ...
My feelings ..??? Just like walking on air .... ;p
"Believe it or Not"
by Mike Post and Stephen Geyer ( ost Greatest American Hero )
Look at what's happened to me,
I can't believe it myself.
Suddenly I'm up on top of the world,
It should've been somebody else.
Believe it or not,
I'm walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free-.
Flying away on a wing and a prayer.
Who could it be?
Believe it or not it's just me.
It's like a light of a new day,
It came from out of the blue.
Breaking me out of the spell I was in,
Making all of my wishes come true-.
Believe it or not,
I'm walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free-.
Flying away on a wing and a prayer.
Who could it be?
Believe it or not it's just me.
Below are scoops of my Birthday Wishes ...
Thank you guyz, I am humbly touched ...
* Yudhi *
Date: 08/30/2008 7:04 pm
Subject: happy happy
Message: happy happy dijalan ya... *lho* hehehe..
happy birthday Ms IK....
hope your soulmate come out from disguise and hug you forever
* Toto *
Posted 08/31/2008 2:07 pm
hi mba rika met ultah yah moga smua inginnya trcapai n rejekinya tambah lancar amin..

* Nur Amalia *
Posted 09/1/2008 5:39 am

* Yance *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 4:23 am
Hepi biday tu yu...hepi biday tu yu...hepi biday tu may mami..hepi biday tu
yu... *nyenyong sambil monyong2* phuuuuh.. !*tiup lilin sambil nyembur2*
Happy b'day ya mom...
I wish U get so much Love from God, family, friends n our caldad...
- YnC -
* Upa *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 4:56 am
Happy b'day Mommy-kyu yg molegh... hope ur dreams come true (cpt2 dilamar BEM aka Caldad aka My Hunny aka AMA, pasti Mommy lgsg blg ya...ya...ya... smbl blushing2 nda jls), all the best 4 u Mom, muaacchh...
Btw, ultah yg ke brp neh? *ngelirik ke Daddy*
*siap2 nangkis konde2 yg
*molegh of the day*
*single, available 24
-Upa aka si imut-
* Parla *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 8:53 am
*duduk ngesot deket halte bis nunggu instruksi dari jakarta buat berangkat
kan mau ditraktir makan.....*
* Toetoet *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 9:30 am
mommy ulang tahun....
wish u all the best!
many happy returns!
*muachh... cipika cipiki*
dapet hadiah apa mom dari caldad?
seize the day!
*duduk diem di bintaro nunggu berita kapan acara makan2nya*
* Feby *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 10:27 am
Morning Morning BJers....
Today is a special day cause today is
our mommy's Bday....
Happy Birthday to Mommy.....
Wish more happiness, health, success, love, luck and kindness comin' your way.
Aku tunggu di central halte busway Harmoni aja ya mom, kalo ada undangan kan jadi cepet tuh otw ke TKP-nya....
with luv
* Narti *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 11:34 am
Happy birthday.. to uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..
Hopely this moment will impresed u.
Have good day.., healthy n much love..
Pkona wish all the best lah...
Kapan nich traktirannya...
* Fidelia *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 11:47 am
Met Ultah ya bu, smoga berkah Ramadhan mengiringi hr bahagiamu.amin..
* Sammy *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 11:55 am
Sammy tau kalo Mommy Ultah pasti alasannya ( LG DI KELURAHAN PERPANJANG KTP )
gak bisa traktir..
Btw...Happy B'day yah Mommynya BJers....
With Kind Regards,
* Intan *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 2:57 pm
Mommy......!!! Happy Birthday ya,,,,,,
Sebenernya pengen gak ngucapin dulu sih. sampe mommy-nya kesel he he he....
kok gak perhatian banget seh... he he,,
Tapi gak tega euy....
So, Mommy..... Wish u All the best... more love in life, from family, friend, caldad *blinkblink*, and the most important is form Allah. Wish u healthier, wiser, happier, and wealth. Pokoke yang bagus- bagus buat Mommy tercinta.... : -)
And jangan lupa yang paling penting : ' Traktiran-nya ' wakakakak,,,,,,,,
* Om Ophoeng *
Mon Sep 1, 2008
Happy B'day, Rika!
Happy, healthy n success, always!
* Hannie *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 4:01 pm
happy B'day yahhh...
maap nehh ketinggalan berita, secara baru buka emailnya..
hope ur wishes come true mom...
* Dyan *
Posted 09/1/2008 10:07 am

Bukan sekotak kue tart yang kusuguhkan
bukan seribu lilin yang membuatmu menari
bukan pula selarik puisi indah yang tergubah
Bukan sebuah tanya
bukan juga sebuah kebersamaan
bukan pula sejuta bait senyuman
Hanya kata yang sederhana
Smoga kebahagiaan selalu menyertaimu .
* Maikel *
Mon Sep 1, 2008 8:51 pm
wahhh.... sapa yang betsdei nihhh....
IK ya...wahhh.... mommy nambah neh umurnya... tambah dewasa yak... :P
semoga panjang umur dan sehat2 selalu ya... biar cepet membentuk rumah
tangga... :)
* Adhe *
Posted 09/1/2008 8:06 pm

Happy Birthday Comments @ CommentHaven.com

* Lina *
Posted 09/2/2008 5:35 am
Secrets to Staying Young, Being Happy, and Achieving Success Laugh every day. Hold on to your dreams. Grow up — don’t grow old! Find new opportunities in every change. Have no regrets. Dan Clark (adapted)
Have a birthday that's as beautiful as you are. All the Best. Today and Always. Happy Birthday Mom...
* Widi *
Tue Sep 2, 2008 8:41 am
oops.. ada yang belsdei niy..
Happy belated belsdei ya mom..
Semoga semua jadi indah..
sori, ketinggalan berita..
tapi kalo traktiran blom ketinggalan pan..:p
R u my soulmate..
* Didi Han *
Tues Sep 2, 2008
Lho ulang tahun toh
wah yah happy birthday deh, wish you all the best
semoga buanyak rejekinya jadi bisa bagi bagi he he jelek buntutnya yah
* Pitria *
Posted 09/2/2008 6:51 am
* Fitrie *
Tue Sep 2, 2008 12:03 pm
duh mom, bukan maksudku melupakan jarig-mu
bukan Mom, percaya deh!
maafkan anakmu yg durhaka ini..
jadi kapan ni makan2 nya? ;p
Bonne anniversaire Mommy kyuuuuu...
Van harte gefeliciteerd en nog vele jaren
* Fadhil *
Posted 09/4/2008 9:48 am
* Fadhil *
Posted 09/4/2008 10:06 am
to IK, sorry agak telat nih...
Katy say... met ultah ya... all my best wishes for you!!! Dan met berpuasa... nanti malam ada "two in one" nggak, birthday party n buka puasa bersama? ... sayang saya gak bisa mampir, agak jauh sih... hehehe... ;))
sry saya lama gak kasih kabar, ceritanya lagi sibukkk bangeddd (atau malah cuman sok sibuk aja ya? hehehe).
take care ya say...
salam sayang dari Jerman,
Hii...Mommy RIKA,
I want to wishes..u
Happy Birthdays nyang keberapa tuh umurnya? 'n met puasa. Moga-moga sukses karir-na 'n sukses caldad-na.
Warmest Regards from Semarang:
U R Never Walk Alone
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