Although some relationships are mutually abusive, more frequently there is an imbalance of power in abusive relationships. While abuse may take the form of physical violence, abuse can also occur on an emotional and verbal level. Here are some steps to help you deal with an abusive partner.
When you are in love with someone, the relationship should bring you joy and a sense of emotional well-being. People who are in a relationship often stand as support systems for one another and share each other's problems and strive together to build a better life and future. However, there is the other side to love, where instead of bringing you happiness, it could be the worse thing in your life.
An abusive relationship can affect an individual's mental and physical well-being. Abusive relationships are not always physical in nature but can even be mental or emotional. If you feel you are in a relationship where you are being abused in any way - physically or emotionally, read on for tips on how to deal with the unfortunate situation:
How to get out of an abusive relationship?
Many people who are in an abusive relationship do not seek help because they are afraid of social pressures or are scared of their partner. But as long as you don't let someone know that you are suffering, you might never find a way out. If your partner is abusive towards you, talk to someone whom you trust and let them know about your strife. A close friend or family member can share in your sorrow and even help you get out of the relationship. There is no point making yourself suffer because you fear losing your partner or what society might think. In fact, maybe your partner should also get help or go for counseling. But the first step is to accept it and let someone know.
Back up
After you have confided in someone about your problem, make a plan to get yourself out of the situation. You could confront your partner (if you are afraid to do this alone, take someone with you), and move out of the house and start with giving yourself and him or her some alone time. This will help you figure out what you need to do next. Tell your partner things need to change and try to build your life so you don't have to depend on your partner both financially or emotionally.
Get Help
If you don't have friends and family or are too afraid to go to them then get professional help. Seek out institutes or a counsellors and ask them to help you with your situation. If your partner is beyond help and it is impossible to talk to him or her without the threat that they might hurt you, report them to the authorities in order to ensure your safety. But make sure your safety is your first priority. Its better to safe than sorry. You are just doing this for your self defense and there is nothing wrong in thinking about your good and getting rid of such a relation.
Sometimes the abusive partner might not understand that you need to leave and might threaten you or force you stay with them. But you must find a way to get away from this person at any cost for your own sake.
Worst Case Scenario
If you feel that none of the above will work, and if your partner is abusive to the extent that you might think your life is in danger, inform the cops. There is no point trying to sort things our or being careful about things when your life is in danger. Sometimes abusive people need their victims to be around them because it is the victims who give them a sense of power. Therefore, as ironic as it may sound, they need their victims and will do anything to make sure that they do not lose the abused. Which is why there is a chance that if you tell this person you won't take their abuse any longer and want to leave, they might do anything to hold you back and in the process cause some serious harm. So if you feel like this person is a threat to your life, immediately call the police.
The Children
If you have been in this relationship long and share children with the abusive partner, then you need to look out for yourself and your children. Do not let the abusive partner blackmail you with your children. You cannot stay with an abusive person, simply because you share a child with him or her. Besides, your child will probably be better off without the constant abuse and if the abusive partner reforms and changes their ways you can always go back. Act as fast as you can before its too late.
You have to be strong and take hold of your life. Being in such a relation can destroy your happiness. You have a right to be happy, so if you are in an abusive relationship, get help and do yourself some justice. It is your life and you deserve to be happy, so start making changes now!
By Michael Douglas
* taken from www.buzzle.com/editorials/8-27-2006-106755.asp *