Shyness can be your positive quality if you know where to show it otherwise it can make you dangerously weak for which you may have to pay a big penalty. Techniques applied by some great personalities, like Tom Hanks, Shahrukh khan, can be inspirational dating tips for shy guys. Shahrukh Khan, the most successful personality in history of Indian film industry, is widely known to be a shy person in his personal life but in his professional life he never allows it to take him over because he knows its limitations, rather he has made it an extra positive point to add.
For dating one has to have enough openness, confidence and courage but there are so many shy people in our surroundings suffering from inferiority complex because of their self-fertilized phobia like feeling uncomfortable, stammering at the time of interacting with opposite sex.They should follow some strategies by pushing themselves harder towards success in making a fruitful relation.
Some fruitful dating tips for shy guys are:
* They should adapt a habit of going clubs, enjoying the company of girls willingly, which are the most necessary dating tips for shy guys to be practiced, instead of closing themselves off from others.
* There is a very good saying that before doing something extraordinary you have to feel extraordinarily therefore they have to feel confident before showing .Wear some fashionable cloths to look smart and attractive, convince your inner personality to be confident, which is the most powerful image and lasting impression to leave, in any situation.
* Learn asking questions in a clear and audible voice, maintaining your eye contact at the time of conversation and let it go for a ling time.
* Practice speaking in front of mirror to get rid of self-made trap like thinking of not being smart or not having enough confidence to face difficult and tricky situation.
* They need stream of consciousness about themselves as well as circumstances to know about their limitation for that they can take help from dating tips for shy guys which are available on internet.
There is a very good saying that if you want to get rid of your weaknesses then recognize it first, and then work on it by your heart and sole to replace it by your strong points. So they should take it into serious consideration from first to kick it off as soon as possible. Don’t let it be your unnecessary tension which can push you deep into negativity from which complexity breeds and spreads quickly to make your view points poisonous towards everything. So above mentioned dating tips for shy guys can be learning experience for them.
*taken from http://www.datingcarnival.com/Dating-Tips-for-Shy-Guys.html*
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